We deal with active citizenship in a land, Calabria, which has made social injustice a norm. The team name, Future builders, is intended to be evocative. In a city, like that of Crotone, in which some neighborhoods such as of Fondo Gesù, the object of our monitoring, live a strong social hardship, we propose, as possible material builders of a different future, to develop participatory processes based also on widespread use of new technologies and social media, in accompaniment, and not as an alternative, to the more traditional forms of participation in the governance processes of the territory and cities. The starting point of our activity is art. 118, last paragraph of the Constitution, where it is said that «State, Region, Metropolitan Cities, Provinces and Municipalities promote the autonomous initiative of citizens, individuals and associations, for the carrying out of activities of general interest, on the basis of the principle of subsidiarity» . The aim we aim to achieve is to implement subsidiarity activities that are no longer horizontal but circular for the creation of forms of participatory urban regeneration.