Civic monitoring report

Sent on 7/03/2023 | By Blue Gold | @3dBluegold

What we found out

Project objectives

The purpose of this project is the creation of a system to collect waste water and convey it to the treatment plant, making use of pumps and connectors, according to the EU law, which imposes that 95% of water must be purified.

Foreseen activities

As planned, the project was launched on 28 December 2007 and finished on 16 June 2009. Some very simple interventions were carried out: The wastewater had to be collected into a purifier. So a system of collectors were foreseen to bring the water into the collection tanks, in which there are pumps which give kinetic energy to the water.

Project origin

The Region of Calabria was the programmer and implementer. Together with the municipality of Cirò, it was also the actuator and beneficiary. This project was made necessary by the European legislation which requires that 95% of waste water need to be purified to ensure that pollutans do not reach the environment. The monitored project is part of the 2007-2013 ERDF programming (Axis 3 - Environment), whose objective is to promote the optimal use of water resources by increasing and rebalancing the water supply.


The project involved the entire population of the area affected by the purifier because there wasn't such a system before.


It envisaged the construction of a waste water purification plant in the municipal area of ​​Cirò.


As planned, the project was concluded in 2009.


The monitored project it's been useful to reduce the pollution load, to decrease the amount of untreated water that was spilled into the environment. In the purifier some biological processes happen, which make the water no longer polluting the environment.
Water must be recycled, it must not pollute the environment. Our source was the project manager, mr. Pasquale Varano, from Congesi.


The project we are monitoring is of extreme importance and usefulness, sufficient to cover the needs that our territory requires; for this reason we can say that we have not found any weaknesses.


The founding principle that drives the advancement of the project is its benefits, its purpose, as its goal is to purify water and ensure the wellbeing of citizens, it is important to protect our land by regulating our actions in relation to a future perspective.


A risk that the project may encounter in the future is the maintenance of the purifier.

Ideas and solutions

To make the project more modern, in our opinion new generation Technologies, as new pumps and collectors, could be used to optimise the plant and speed up the purification process, since we think the purifier as it is now (planned and realized more than 10 years ago), should be updated.

Investigation method

How was the information collected?

  • Web research
  • Interview with people responsible for the project's implementation

To learn more and have a complete vision of the project we are monitoring, we interviewed the project managers CONGESI
(Consortium of municipalities for the management of the integrated water service in the Crotone area),Giuseppe Leone Head of Zone 3, Michele Liguori, Head of Administration and Budget, Pasquale Varano, construction manager.

Main questions

The main questions asked to project managers are the following:
1)What made this intervention necessary?
2)How was the project implemented?

Main answers

The answers to the previous questions we mentioned are:
1)It is imposed by the law, a European legislation requires that 95% of waste water need to be purified to ensure that pollutants do not reach the environment. The purifier allows to clean the waste water from pollutants. It is a necessity too: What would happen if we left untreated water in the environment? We are obliged by th elegislation, but at the same time it is also very important not to pollute.
2)We carried out some very simple interventions. We must collect the wastewater into the purifier In some cases the force of gravity helps us to collect water into the purifier, in other cases we need to use pumps. We made a system of collectors to bring all the water to the purifier. They bring the water into the collection tanks, in which there are pumps which give kinetic energy to the water.