Civic monitoring report
New molecular medicine study center

Sent on 8/03/2024 | By The Defenders of Naples Team

What we found out

Project objectives

The monitored project is "New molecular medicine study center". The main value that we want to offer to those who follow us and believe in our project is an enhancement of medical and scientific research, because in our territory there are very few cutting-edge centers that can guarantee effective research, so we want to support the creation of a common study center for two centers of excellence at national level: the SDN Foundation for Research and Higher Education in Nuclear Diagnostics and the Italian Institute of Technology Foundation -IIT. This project is very important because the main reasons why we want to carry out this project are the realization of these activities in the short - medium term: to develop the new PET-MRI diagnostic technology, performed on a single hybrid machine; - to study and develop new radiotracers for PET and SPECT in in particular with the combination of molecules that increase its stability and direction on the site of interest and many others.

Foreseen activities

The main activities planned are the creation of a common study center for two centers of excellence at national level: the SDN Foundation for Research and Higher Education in Nuclear Diagnostics and the Italian Institute of Technology Foundation – IIT and the research development to create and use for example the new PET-MRI diagnostic technology, performed on a single hybrid machine; - to study and develop new radiotracers for PET and SPECT in in particular with the combination of molecules that increase its stability and direction on the site of interest and many others. The project started on 01/07/2010 and is currently still ongoing, we hope we can bring it to completion as soon as possible.

Project origin

The monitored project originates from directorial decree n.254/Ric. Of 18 May 2011, with which the MIUR started the implementation of structural and infrastructural strengthening projects of the Universities and Public Research Bodies in the Convergence Regions: Puglia, Sicily, Calabria and, in this case, Campania. The MIUR has invited universities, public research bodies and other research bodies to propose structural strengthening projects concerning, for example, the creation of new laboratories, the purchase of scientific and technological equipment and instruments, building works and structural modernisation, together with activities of training, and this is how the project "New study center for molecular medicine" was born, which started from the SDN Foundation for Research and Higher Education in Nuclear Diagnostics and the Italian Institute of Technology Foundation - IIT and has the objective of create a study center common to these two institutions.


This project concerns health, because it is aimed at strengthening treatment and diagnostic methodologies, therefore the person who will benefit from this project is the community in general and no type of person is excluded.


The main needs of the territory in which the project operates are the same as those of most territories in Italy, the important research centers are very few and thanks to the financing and implementation of them we will have huge steps forward on the general health of the community , thanks to new diagnostic tools and techniques to discover any diseases earlier and treat them more effectively thanks also to the development of new treatment methodologies that can be developed within the study center.


The Project started on 01/07/2010 and was scheduled to end on 31/07/2015 but the project is currently still ongoing, since almost 10 years have passed since the expected end it can be understood that there are some problems of realization. The problems are of a technical and administrative nature, because it is not easy to create a study centre. Luckily there are no financial problems given that almost all the payments have been made (9,777,161.27 euros out of a total cost of 10,863,512.52 euros).


The actors involved in the project have not responded to us, so it is very difficult to identify the results obtained from the project, but potentially the project could be very useful and very important for the general health of the community, it would make a contribution to extending life expectancy and to healing from diseases for which there are still no very effective treatments. As partial results, it can be said that the financing is at an excellent point (9,777,161.27 euros paid out of a total cost of 10,863,512.52 euros).


Among the negative points regarding this study center, however, we have: High costs and Extended Timeline: Creating and managing a center of this caliber would involve high costs, which raises concerns about the effective use of public resources and the process of implementing this center would take time, raising questions about the timing and urgency of such an investment. Competition with Other Realities: The presence of already established research centers in Italy and Europe could make it difficult for Naples to emerge as a point of reference, leading to doubts about the competitiveness of the new center. Lack of staffing: Potential weaknesses of this project may include lack of qualified staff, or inadequate infrastructure.


The various points in favor expressed for this study center are: Scientific advancement: A new molecular medicine center in Naples could significantly contribute to scientific advancement. Furthermore, it could attract medical professionals, researchers, students of molecular medicine, as well as those interested in the development of new technologies in the medical field. The economic impact: Investment in the center could generate a positive economic impact for the region, attract talent and create skilled job opportunities. Ethical experimentation: A center with adequate resources could conduct authorized experiments on contrast liquids, strictly respecting ethical standards and leading to innovative developments in the medical field.


The main risks that this project could include are environmental, for example: Radiation protection: The production of radiopharmaceuticals involves radioactive substances. Radioactive waste management: The production of radiopharmaceuticals generates radioactive waste. It is essential to establish an adequate waste management system that complies with regulations regarding the safe disposal of radioactive materials. Air and water pollution: During the manufacturing process, gas or particle emissions may occur and the chemicals used could contaminate wastewater. Emission control devices and a wastewater treatment system must be adopted to limit the impact on the surrounding air. Consumption of natural resources: The operation of the laboratory will require resources such as water and energy. Impact on the local ecosystem: The construction of the laboratory could alter the surrounding ecosystem.

Ideas and solutions

In our opinion, the effectiveness of the project can be improved by taking into consideration the environmental risks associated with it and taking the right countermeasures to allow the experiments and research work in general to be carried out in a safe manner. The main obstacle of the project is of an administrative nature, because the funding is at an excellent point, so it would be essential to speed up the timing to allow research in the medical field as soon as possible, which can only bring benefits to everyone.

Results and Impact of the monitoring

Dissemination of results

  • Flyers or other off-line methods (non-Internet)


  • Teacher, I.S.I.S Enrico Caruso

Contacts with media outlets

Contatti con le Pubbliche Amministrazioni per discutere i risultati del Monitoraggio

We did not reach out to public administration

Description of the case

During our civic monitoring project, we had the pleasure of seeing that several people interviewed were convinced of the usefulness of our work for the entire community. This result confirmed the success of our commitment to involving and raising awareness of the community on civic issues. As a team, we are committed to continuing our civic monitoring because we firmly believe in the importance of this project for the good of all. The "Defenders of Naples" team is committed to realizing this vital project to enhance public health, our most cherished asset. Monitoring efforts will persist through ongoing data collection via interviews and surveys, to gauge community and expert perceptions. Regular review of project objectives and timelines maintains relevance and feasibility. Tracking progress and evaluating center performance post-launch ensures sustained success. Assessing social and economic impact on the local community and revisiting risk management strategies are integral to sustainability. These measures assure effective control and optimal project management. Your support is crucial; united, we are the voice of the people, and together, we will realize this project for the good of all of us.

Investigation method

How was the information collected?

  • Web research
  • Interview with the users and/or final beneficiaries of the intervention

The people interviewed all belong to the category of end users who will benefit from this project, so we interviewed several people, of different social classes and of different ages. The team also tried to contact the SDN in Via Emanuele Gianturco 113 in Naples (CAP:80143), but with little success as we were unable to receive information about the project.

Main questions

The team asked various people an opinion on the project and whether or not they were in favor of its implementation, thus highlighting any strengths and weaknesses linked to the molecular medicine study centre. We asked these people we met on the street the same two questions: What is your opinion on the project concerning the foundation of a new molecular medicine study center in Naples? Are you in favor of the realization of this project? (For example, not remembering all the interviewees, we asked these questions to a lady named Maria, 60 years old, of middle social class, and to a boy named Filippo, 18 years old, our age also of middle social class who frequents the fifth year of scientific high school, to highlight the variety of our interviewees)

Main answers

Again taking our reference interviewees Maria and Filippo as an example, we received the following responses: Mrs Maria was in favor of the realization of the project, motivating her response by highlighting the fact that we are talking about the possibility of making many steps forward in medical field and that therefore the creation of this study center can do nothing but good, while Filippo did not appear to be in favor of the realization of this project, explaining that the environmental risks linked to the project are, in his opinion, actually too great and that if the slightest thing doesn't go right we will only find ourselves having done damage to an environment already devastated by other factors today in 2024. From these two answers we can see the different points of view of two people belonging to different generations.