Civic monitoring report
Requalification of the Prefect’s Villa

Sent on 12/03/2024 | By The Miracle Workers team | @TWorkers2020537

What we found out

Project objectives

The objective of this project is to enhance the conditions and standards for the management and use of environmental assets.
From our perspective, it has the potential to stimulate action, raise awareness, and promote the implementation of a renovation strategy. Moreover, the refurbishment of the Prefect's Villa may affect the tourism sector, which is still in progress and is currently inactive.

Foreseen activities

This project aims to redevelop the Prefect’s Villa, turning it into both a public garden and a significant gathering spot for young people, featuring movie screenings.

Project origin

The redevelopment of the Prefect's Villa is based on regional support, supplemented by European funds, totalling € 1,200,000. Specially, €900,000 (75%) originates from the EU, €210,000 (18%) is sourced from the revolving fund, and the remaining €90,000 (8%) is provided by the region.
The project involves Region, Province, Municipality and Superintendence.


The primary beneficiaries of this project are the citizens of Potenza, as they can utilise their renovated area for various activities and leisure, including socialising and engaging in sports.


The Villa holds significance as it will serve as a communal hub, support sustainability efforts, and enhance overall quality of life and well-being. A similar project is the revitalisation of the Guevara’s Tower area, which signifies progress in Potenza's historical, cultural, and tourist development within the city centre.


We have received updates from the engineers, and the President of the Province confirming that the project is still in progress. It is clear from our discussions and the digital plans outlining the project’s execution that numerous challenges have been encountered, making it difficult to conclude the interventions.


The Prefect’s Villa is considered the “green lung” of the city; one of the initial steps taken was to analyse the variety of plants inhabitating the area in order to preserve certain species. According to the register of the Region called “Alberi Padri”, the grounds claim to have ancient trees and rare species underlining the need for their protection and conservation.


The predetermined end of the works has not been respected. Another disadvantage is our inability to explore the Villa because of the ongoing construction. The scheduled installation of the sports facility will not proceed as it does not match with the green area of the park. Our first impression of the works is that they appear inactive, as we can see from the outside as public access is currently restricted.


Using the drone to observe, proved to be a significant tool, allowing us to closely monitor the progress of works inaccessible to the public. In addition, the digital vision of the final project captured our attention immersing us in its score. Another positive aspect was the active involvement of institutional partners who played pivotal roles as decision-makers in project management.


The design of the Villa is based on a vertical garden structure but progress has been slowed due to the lack of suitable equipment for accessing the construction site. In addition, since the closure of the Villa, these plants began to cover the accessible areas to the public, such as the fountain and all the interior structures within the Villa.

Ideas and solutions

Some potential solutions include clearing vegetation to better evaluate the work area, implementing the installation of metal alloys to address issues such as landslides prevention, and enhancing community involvement to gather valuable and useful suggestions.

Parità di Genere

Nel progetto è coinvolta, direttamente o indirettamente, la parità di genere?


Nel progetto i partecipanti (a volte chiamati beneficiari) sono distinti per genere (donne, uomini, altri), utilizzando - per esempio -parole come donne, bambine, anziane, studentesse, lavoratrici, etc.



Il progetto stanzia risorse finanziarie esplicitamente destinate ad azioni che promuovono la parità di genere?


Sono stati indicati esplicitamente indicatori (es. numero di operatrici formate o percentuale di aumento delle studentesse iscritte a corsi STEM) per monitorare e valutare l’impatto del progetto in termini di promozione della parità di genere?


Investigation method

How was the information collected?

  • Web research
  • Visit to the project's location, documented by pictures or videos
  • Interview with people responsible for the project's planning
  • Interview with people responsible for the project's implementation
  • Interview with political leaders

We conducted interviews with Giordano, the President of the Province of Potenza, as well as with Mecca, the Director of Works, and Spera, the Office Manager and Project Manager. All of whom are integral members of the municipal provincial organization.

Main questions

Question to the President:
Considering the results achieved so far, do you believe that the investment in the valorisation of community and monumental assets will be successful?

Question to the engineer:
Do you think the collaborative experience among the various institutions has been positive?

Main answers

Answer of the President:
Focusing on cultural heritage was crucial for revitalising and reclaiming both the green area and the Prefect’s Villa. Through innovative redevelopment, the Villa will be transformed to offer improved functionality, providing a space for outdoor activities and leisure.

Answer of the Engineer:
The project’s financing is a result of collaboration between the Province, the Municipality, the Region, and the Superintendence. The collaboration has been considered beneficial because each institution brings unique expertise and resources: the Province owns the asset but lacks construction skills for the garden; the Municipality possesses building expertise but doesn't own the Villa; the Region serves as the primary funding source, and the Superintendence provides oversight and evaluation of the work performed.