Civic monitoring report
Voucher nido di inclusione

Sent on 13/03/2024 | By FutureLandExplorers

What we found out

Project objectives

This project supports families with low income through a voucher, based on the income of each family, to ensure childcare fo all. The objective is the increase,consolidation and qualification of socio-educational care services aimed at children and care services aimed at people with limited autonomy and the offer of healthcare services. It promotes gender equality and the wellbeing of children, allowing women to seek economic independence as well.

Foreseen activities

January 20, 2018: Regional Council Decree No. 116 establishes funding, instructing the lead municipalities of Ligurian health districts to implement it.
June 5, 2018: Determinazione Dirigenziale del Comune di Genova No. 2018-146.0.0.-63 approves the list of nursery schools and initiates the submission of applications by citizens, setting out the procedures for the Municipality of Genoa.
July 20, 2018: Deadline for submission of applications.
The use of vouchers covers the period from September 1, 2018, to June 30, 2019.
August 31, 2018: Submission of rankings to the Liguria Region by the Municipality of Genoa.

Project origin

THe project was created thanks to the Regional Council Decree No. 116 and the Determinazione Dirigenziale del Comune di Genova No. 2018-146.0.0.-63. Due to the considerable time passed since the announcement and distribution of the related funds, we are not aware of these details. However, it is important to note that in the following years, and up to the present day, this funding has been repeated, with a similar procedures but managed directly by the Liguria Region through the regional financial agency FILSE. For further information, refer to the interview with Regional Assessore Ferro.


The subjects who can benefit from this project are women, migrants and families. If they have an ISEE (the ISEE is an indicator of the economic condition of the family) up to 10.000 euros they get 200 euros per month for a total of approximately 2000 euros maximum per year, if they have an ISEE up to 20.000 euros they get 100 euros per month, for a total of 1000 euros maximum per year.


Luckily, this project is not focused on a specific geographical context, but more of a socio-economic one. It aims to help families with small children access childcare, which is extremely important, especially for gender equality and workforce accessibility.


The project is ended and it will be renewed as The Assessore Ferro told us and as we read on the project's page on Opencoesione.


The results have been consistent throughout the years. There have been no particular changes in the amount of people that benefitted from this project. We asked some data directly to the Municipality of Genoa and the numbers that we received show that the number of people that applied has not changed, even when we look at before and after the Covid-19 pandemic.


Analyzing the data sent by the Municipality of Genoa we realized that the vouchers did not have the desired result because the registrations in kindergartens have not increased as hoped.


We particularly enjoyed the fact that the project was open to everyone, but made equitable by taking into account each family's income. We find that this is a very good way of promoting inclusivity.


The risks that could occur within this project are, for example, the decrease in births and the decrease of occupation that will lead parents to stay at home with their children, which we understand is not undesirable, but could lower the number of people that would apply for the voucher.

Ideas and solutions

This project has clearly been quite successful, but in an ideal world the voucher would cover 100% of all the expenses that the poorest families have to face to enroll their child in kindergarten.

Parità di Genere

Nel progetto è coinvolta, direttamente o indirettamente, la parità di genere?


Childcare often falls on women, the objective is to expand it to as many familes as possible and this indirectly helps women.

Nel progetto i partecipanti (a volte chiamati beneficiari) sono distinti per genere (donne, uomini, altri), utilizzando - per esempio -parole come donne, bambine, anziane, studentesse, lavoratrici, etc.


Il progetto stanzia risorse finanziarie esplicitamente destinate ad azioni che promuovono la parità di genere?


Sono stati indicati esplicitamente indicatori (es. numero di operatrici formate o percentuale di aumento delle studentesse iscritte a corsi STEM) per monitorare e valutare l’impatto del progetto in termini di promozione della parità di genere?


Investigation method

How was the information collected?

  • Web research
  • Interview with the users and/or final beneficiaries of the intervention
  • Interview with other types of people
  • Interview with political leaders

The class interviewed the councillor for equal opportunities in Genoa Simona Ferro; one of the people who supported this initiative of vouchers for kindergartens.

Main questions

"Why did you choose to issue these vouchers?"
"Has there been any criticism of this?"

Main answers

Question 1) These vouchers were chosen to allow all families to access the childcare services.
The assessor deals with equal opportunities and these vouchers also cover this, since in case a family cannot access these services the mother is required to stay home from work to keep her child.
Question 2) According to the councillor in the voting chamber there were no criticisms regarding the payment of vouchers and it was very much appreciated as an initiative.