Civic monitoring report
Better services for the museums Giuseppe Whitaker di Mozia (Sicilia)

Sent on 20/03/2024 | By Universalisti | @Universalisti

What we found out

Project objectives

Our project aims at improving the fruition of Mothia's Giuseppe Whitaker museum by purchasing furniture and facilities in order to set up a mutlifunctional classroom.

Foreseen activities

Designing, purchasing of furnishings and items to realise a multifunctional classroom , installation and testing

Project origin

The project is funded by ERDF - ROP Sicilia 2014-2020.
Fondi Strutturali relativi alla programmazione 2014-2020, Programma: POR FESR SICILIA, Asse TUTELARE L'AMBIENTE E PROMUOVERE L'USO EFFICIENTE DELLE RISO, tramite l'avviso "Interventi tutela, valorizzazione e messa in rete del patrimonio culturale nelle aree di rilevanza strategica".


Whitaker foundation, citizenship.


The museum of Mothia, entitled to Giuseppe Whitaker is a relevant historical place for the whole district, visited by occasional tourists and mostly by schools and individual students from the near areas. That's the reason why the loan is completely justified. The whole island where the museum takes place is characterized by a unique range of Phoenicians archeological remains of the ancient city of Mothia, which has never been affected by any other population.


From interviews with the museum manager and some employees, and from the data of Opencoesione site, the project has not yet started; neverteheless the end was expected for 23/10/2023, the project has started late by 4 month and it is still in the phase of projection.


The project has the potential to improve the museum's experience, especially for students, through audiovisual equipment in order to facilitate its understanding


Lack of measures to train museum employees in the correct use of computer equipment


The strengths of the project are the use of innovative methods for historical divulgation and the adequacy of the project for the user of museum


Low quality of transport and infrastructure, drop in interest from schools or tourists

Ideas and solutions

Publicize the museum more online and organize PCTO activities for high school students

Investigation method

How was the information collected?

  • Web research
  • Interview with the users and/or final beneficiaries of the intervention
  • Interview with other types of people
  • Interview with people responsible for the project's implementation

We interviewed the museum manager, some employees, students and school staff. The interviews were all successful, but we had to wait a long time for the one with the museum manager

Main questions

"What kind of visitors usually benefits from the museum? Locals or turists? Italian turists or foreign turists? (to museum manager)
"How much important do you think is the stream of students in the entrance number of the museum?" (to museum manager)
"Have you ever visited the Whitaker Museum, if so when was the last time?" (to students and school staff)
"How would the use of the museum improve?" (to students and school staff)

Main answers

"Yes, I visited the museum in the last two/three years" (students and school staff)
"More explanations should be added" (students and school staff)